A Strategic HR Plan is essential to align an organization’s resources to its Mission, Vision, Values and strategies.
The Strategic HR Plan will detail the role that Human Resources will play in supporting the goals and strategies of the organization. It will ensure that all aspects of Human Resources are focused towards obtaining the success of the Corporation’s Long-Term Strategy, Critical Success Factors and Key Performance Indicators.
A Strategic HR Plan is also necessary to meet the expectations and requirements of corporate governance, transparency, work ethics, corporate values and profitability through the definition of the various functions, processes and procedures needed to execute the strategy.
Strategic HR Planning is necessary to provide the organization with a Workforce Plan of the Human Capital that will be required for the future to execute its strategic goals. It ensures that the Right People are in the Right Place and at the Right Time.
iSDM Consulting will partner with you to prepare your organization for tomorrow by establishing and implementing transformational HR strategies that will maximize your organizational effectiveness.