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Team Building Map

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque condimentum a elit in sollicitudin. Donec eu ipsum luctus, aliquam augue eu, pretium dolor. In pharetra auctor dapibus. Maecenas eleifend suscipit metus ut rhoncus. Donec ac facilisis eros. Cras nec elit ornare, faucibus nulla eleifend, auctor risus. Vestibulum id orci lectus. Fusce a enim ac enim […]

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Team Building Map

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque condimentum a elit in sollicitudin. Donec eu ipsum luctus, aliquam augue eu, pretium dolor. In pharetra auctor dapibus. Maecenas eleifend suscipit metus ut rhoncus. Donec ac facilisis eros. Cras nec elit ornare, faucibus nulla eleifend, auctor risus. Vestibulum id orci lectus. Fusce a enim ac enim

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Employee Survey

Organizations conduct Employee Surveys to gain an understanding of employee attitudes and engagement, teamwork, company culture, management performance, and communication. Management needs the opinions of the work force to identify areas for improvement and conducting a survey provides management with the insight necessary to tweak the organization’s health towards improved productivity and employee satisfaction. Employee

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Change Management

Organizations change due to a number of factors such as  restructuring, cost savings, competitive factors, and technological changes. Change Management is about preparing the employees to cope with the challenges faced in making the transition to the new organizational structure, business processes, performance culture and shareholder expectations. Change Management initiatives focus on addressing the inevitable

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Balanced Scorecard

The Balanced Scorecard is a management and measurement system that provides organizations a process through which their vision and strategy can be translated into action. Feedback is provided around both the internal business processes and external outcomes in order to continuously improve strategic performance and results. When fully deployed, the Balanced Scorecard transforms strategic planning

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Succession Management

Strategic Succession Management of the Human Resources of an organization requires management to identify risk. Succession Management deals with those risks to ensure the continual operation of your business, to develop and retain talent and to plan for tomorrow. Our Consultants will work with your management to identify your Key Positions and identify and assess

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Strategic HR Planning

A Strategic HR Plan is essential to align an organization’s resources to its Mission, Vision, Values and strategies. The Strategic HR Plan will detail the role that Human Resources will play in supporting the goals and strategies of the organization. It will ensure that all aspects of Human Resources are focused towards obtaining the success

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HR Policies & Procedures

To ensure the fair and consistent treatment of your employee base, it is necessary for all organizations to have up-to-date and easy to administer policies and procedures relating to operational matters. Having a well written policies and procedures manual provides management with a key tool to manage the employee base. Process flows are defined and

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Performance Management

iSDM Consulting will work with you to identify and develop the appropriate Performance Management and measurement system that will unite the Company’s Vision, Mission, Values and Strategic plan with the employee’s abilities and career aspirations. Our consultants will work with your management to identify your Corporate KPI’s and help you to create a fair, objective

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Our Outplacement and Career Transition Service is custom designed to provide your departing staff with the tools they need to make a successful career change. Our program is geared towards assisting the employee to understand and accept the changes occurring in their life as well as plan and execute an effective career move. Our Outplacement

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