Introduction :
The presentation we make every day range from impromptu discussion in the hallway to formal speeches behind podiums. They may last 30 seconds or several hours, and may include anything from projectors to shadow puppets. But, if they are to be effective, they must include core concepts of communication.
In this training, we will study those core concepts and how participant can help others learn to use them effectively. Our goal are to give participant a “class in a box” so participant can step in and present to their audience.
This training can help participant present themselves effectively not only to others within the company, but to the general public as well.
Main Discussions :
1. Tone Exercise 2. Body Language 3. Overcoming 4. The S–E–T Formula 5. S–E–T Practice Session 6. Building Rapport 7. Writing your presentation 8. Delivering your presentation 9. Visual Aids 10. Using Microsoft PowerPoint Software 11. Challenging Situation 12. Presentation Practice Session 13. Speaking Opportunities