Strategic Planning

Introduction :

The term Strategic Planning is a marriage of two words and two distinct concepts. The first word, Strategy, is from the Greek Strategos, which the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) defines as “ art of the commander-in-chief; the art of projecting and directing the larger military movements and operations of a campaign.” The OED goes on to suggest that strategy is “usually distinguished from tactics, which is the art of handling forces in battle or in the immediate presence of the enemy.” So, the first of our terms focusses on what to do to fulfill the mission and win the war. Strategy making is therefore a creative process-one that involves imaginative and introspective thought to inventor conceive of a method for achieving the goal. This cretive process involves synthesis bringing together creativity, imagination, and intuition to achieve inspired insight abut the future direction of the organization.

Planning, on the other hand, is focused on the analytical process of translating strategy into action. The OED defines Planning as “a formulated or organized method according to which something is to be done; a scheme of action, project, design; the way in which it is proposed to carry out some proceeding.” Planning, therefore, involves analysis – gathering and analyzing information, defining specific operational goals, and then breaking down each of these complex goal into a series of steps and actions.
Taken together, those two words provide insights into the heart of strategic planning and its role in moving any organization into the future : creating a strategy for achieving the organization`s goals and then devising an organized method to accomplish this strategy.

Main Discussions :

  • Perceptions of Strategic Planning
  • Definition and Key Components of Strategic Planning
  • Purpose and Goals of Strategic Planning
  • Value of Strategic Thinking
  • Levels of Planning in Organizations
  • An Integrated Model for Strategic Planning
  • Stages of Strategic Plan Development
  • Involving Stakeholders in the Strategic Planning Process
  • Characteristics of an Inspiring Vision for the Future
  • Creating a Shared Vision for the Future
  • Defining Core Values
  • Conducting a SWOT Analysis
  • Defining the Strategic Agenda
  • Developing Strategic Action Plans
  • Implementing the Strategic Plan in the Face of Uncertainty and Chaos
  • Developing the Strategic Issues Map
  • Definitions and Distinctions
  • Principles to Guide Strategic PSDM
  • Approaches to PSDM
  • Applying the Strategic Problem Solving Model
  • Writing to Problem Statement
  • Applying the Strategic Decision Making Model
  • Involving Others in Strategic PSDM
  • Introducing the Strategic PSDM Tool Kit and Prioritizing the Tools.
  • Applying the Strategic PSDM Tools
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