Training Design

Introduction :

Ineffective training is often a result of bad design, it’s a rough principle when wanting a good quality of training. Each step in the preparation of training should be connected to each other. The creative process certainly plays a major role in this regard. The program is designed to assist you in designing a training. The program is designed to build a creative process for designing training, and worked to create positive emotions during the learning process.

Main Discussions :

  1. The principle in conducting training design
  2. Doing the proper planning in the design of training
  3. Identify the information needed to design training
  4. Defining Instructional Objectives are more precise
  5. Organizing plan module / topic into a learning scenario
  6. Develop a learning scenario that best fits the purpose of training
  7. Identify the best strategies to show training
  8. Develop a short training module materials, solid and fun
  9. Perform quality checks of the training modules prepared
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