Work Load Analysis & Man Power Planning

Introduction :

The importance of the role of HR in planning and managing workforce requires understanding of the HR person in charge to be able to manage and plan quantity and quality of workforce effectively and efficiently. At present, the role of HR is required to not only as the “Fire Brigade” for any labor requirements, but more required to meet the needs of the Work Unit with paying attention to the level of productivity that needs to be achieved by the Company. Through Manpower Planning, HR can play a role as “Sparing Patner” for Top Management as well as a “facilitator” for each specific work unit needs.

Main Discussions :

• Helicopter View (HR Planning)
HR integralistic Planning supporting achievement of the vision, mission, or the target company. Material: organization design, workforce planning (MPP), training planning, performance planning, promotion planning, etc..

• Understanding of MPP (Manpower Planning)
The basic concept of Work Planning, minimizing “waste” in the recruitment of personnel, minimize uncertainty and reduce labor requirements errors in the “Staffing”.

• Mechanism MPP Macro Analisys
(Total Company Manpower Planning) Analyzes work planning company with total attention to the achievement of targets and productivity.

• Mechanism Micro MPP Analysis (Divisional Manpower Planning)
Assist HR in workforce planning in one unit at a time guided Staff HR in Change Management approach.

• Understanding post activity.
The translation of the results into the MPP HR system further, so that the vision and mission can be accomplished.

• Workshop on Macro / Micro Analysis
Studies for discussion and planning of the work discussed above and the unit labor requirement in future work.

• Workshop on implementation / simulation for Manufacture and Services Industry.
Conduct studies to be discussed and the MPP are discussed in the company Manufture and Services.


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