Introduction :
The term negotiation is defined as a means to reach mutual agreement through communication. As a way to handle differences, or opposing views, with the objective of achieving your goal, negotiation involves mastery of a set of skills, such as planning, quastioning, using effective nonberbal communication, brainstorming, and evaluating needs. It is often necessary for an individual to experiment with various negotiationg techniques to discover a blend of strategies that works best. A willingness to discover common interests and adapt communication styles is at the core of effective negotiation.
Negotiation generally involves a five-step process : analysis, preparation, communication, proposal, and commitment. It can be an introspective process and involves a number of behaviors and tools to be most effective. Each step requires specific skills, and some people may move through the process more quickly than others. Individuals may find various aspects of negotiation to be a challenge : assessing the style of a negotiation counterpart, selecting appropriate tactics, managing barriers to negotiation, and attending to ethical issues can be difficult. Self-awareness plays an important role in being a good negotiator. A large part of the facilitator`s fole in a negotiation skills workshop is to help learners recognize their strengths and weakness when it comes to how they typically negotiate, as well as to help them develop strategies to increase their negotiating effectiveness.
For purposes of this training, Negotiation is defined as seeking agreement through dialogue.
Main Discussions :
1. Types of Negotiations
2. Negotiation Self Assessment
3. Core Principles of Negotiation
4. Steps to Negotiating
5. Investigating Interest
6. Building Trust and Relationships
7. Negotiation Tactics
8. Barriers to Negotiation
9. Ethics in Negotiation
10. Negotiation Success Factors