Time Management

Introduction :

Time Management is a way to develop and use processes and tools for maximum efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity. It involves mastery of a set of skills, such as assigning priorities for tasks, setting goal, scheduling, planning, and delegating. It is often necessary for an individual to experiment with various time management tools and methods to discover the blend of strategies that works best. At the heart of effective time management is the ability to take charge of the time we have.

Time management generally involves a five-step process : setting priorities, analyzing, filtering, scheduling, and executing. This process, which involves changing habits, uses a number of behaviors and tools to be most effective. Each step requires specific skills, and some people may move through the process more quickly than others. Various aspects of time management may be a challenge, such as how to handle email, procrastination, interruption, and paperwork. Self-awareness plays a large part in effective time management. The facilitator of a time management workshop helps learners to recognice strengths and weaknesses in how they use their time and to develop strategies to increase their effectiveness.
For purpose of this training, Time Management is defined as effective use of time to achieve desired results.

Main Discussions :

1. Time Management Defined
2. Time Management Self-Assessment
3. The Time management Process
4. Goal Setting
5. Scheduling Time and Tasks
6. Effective Delegation
7. Procrastination
8. Interruptions and Distractions
9. Managing Email
10. Working With Paperwork

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